
Showing posts from December, 2015

The Other Side of Animation: Robot Carnival Review

  (If you like what you see, go to to see the rest of my work. If you want to, consider contributing to my Patreon at Thanks for reading and enjoy the review! ) Here we are with another anthology film. This specific anthology is known as Robot Carnival , a nine-animated short film experience that has an impressive pedigree behind the multiple directors of the shorts. For example, before making Akira , Katsuhiro Otomo worked on this film and the extremely hard-to-find Neo Tokyo . When I say a pedigree of Japanese animation directors who worked on some very famous anime in some way, shape, or form, I really mean it. You have the likes of Koji Morimoto ( Memories: Magnetic Rose segment, Animatrix: Beyond segment, Catherine , First Squad ), Atsuko Fukushima ( Giovanni’s Island , Memories , Roujin Z ),Manabu Òhashi ( Metropolis, Neo Tokyo, The Dagger of Kamui, Barefoot Gen ), Hidetoshi Òmori ( Batman: Under the Red Hood, Princess Nine, Angel Cop ),Y

The Other Side of Animation 2015 Christmas Special Part 2: Santa's Apprentice Review

(If you like what you see, go to to see the rest of my work. If you want to, consider contributing to my Patreon at Thanks for reading and enjoy the review! ) Adaptation is a tricky thing to pull off in filmmaking when you are making something based off a popular product. You want to stay loyal to the source material whether it is a show, book, comic book series, and so on. However, making a film is a lot different than writing a book. You have to make changes, and adapt the license so it can fit into a film format. For example, you shouldn’t shove a full 20-episode season into a film that is 103 minutes. You know, like how The Last Airbender turned out. But, you don’t want to change it up too much and use very little of the original source material, like the recent worst movie of 2015, Jem and the Holograms . There are other bad adaptations of popular franchises, like Galaxy Express 999 , but since this is the holidays, I wanted to talk about

The Other Side of Animation 2015 Christmas Special Part 1: Ziggy's Gift Review

(If you like what you see, go to  to see the rest of my work. If you want to, consider contributing to my Patreon at Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy the review!) Ah yes, it’s Christmas time! Time to review two different Christmas specials! I could have gone with the instant classics like The Nightmare Before Christmas , but that’s owned by Disney, so I won’t tackle it. Plus, you should already own the movie. I also could have gone with the timeless classic, The Snowman . However, I decided to tackle maybe one of the lesser known Christmas specials with Ziggy’s Gift . This 1982 TV special was directed by Richard Williams, the same guy behind the Chuck Jones-produced Christmas Carol and Who Framed Roger Rabbit , and is based off the popular long running comic, Ziggy .   Ziggy’s Gift is a short, but charming little Christmas special that has some famous pedigree behind it. How good is it? Is it an underrated classic? Or should it have be

The Other Side of Animation: A Cat in Paris Review

(If you like what you see, go to to see more of my work. If you want to, consider contributing to my Patreon at Thanks for reading and enjoy the review!) That’s right, viewers, we are back in Paris. However, we are not seeing A Monster in Paris , but we are reviewing A Cat in Paris . This 65-minute French-animated film was directed by Alain Gagnol and Jean-Loup Felicioli, and was produced by Folimage. If this company sounds familiar to foreign animated film buffs, this is the same studio that made Raining Cats and Frogs , and Mia and the Migoo , another distinctive-looking animated film. I decided to talk about this film since the creators behind A Cat in Paris have recently made a new movie, and, well, I’m excited! Let’s get on the catwalk and see how good this movie is! A Cat in Paris is about a young girl and her police commissioner mother. The mother is voiced by Marcia Gay Harden, and she is currently trying to capture and arrest an evil

Hit or Miss Trailer Predictions: The Angry Birds Movie

(If you like what you see, you can go to for more of my work. If you want to, consider contributing to my Patreon on Hope you enjoy the article!) Welcome back to Hit or Miss Trailer Predictions. This is a series of first impression articles covering the newest trailers on animated films, and breaking down the good or bad that the trailer offers. For the past couple of years, you couldn’t go anywhere without seeing something Angry Birds related. I, for one, am with the crowd that is getting sick and tired of it. If you think that isn’t true, then maybe the hundreds of layoffs of employees from the developer behind the popular franchise should be another reason to show people’s constantly losing interest in flinging birds at pigs. Now, of course, the franchise got to be so popular that they had to make a movie. Cut forward to 2015, and we have our first official trailer for the film that is coming out next year. So, what are my thoughts/predictio

The Other Side of Animation: Azur and Asmar: The Prince's Quest Review

(If you like what you see, go to to see more of my work. If you want to, consider contributing to my Patreon at Thanks for reading and enjoy the review!) As you may have noticed, a good chunk of the animation reviews I have written are from the distributor, GKIDS. Well, that’s because more people should know about this company. For many years, they have made sure to show off and help bring over the highest quality of animated films from all over the world. A lot of these films are quite fantastic, and are as good, or even better than the films that Disney, Pixar, and Dreamworks release. (Well, depending on the year they are released they are.) If you read my reviews, you should be familiar with some of the films I have covered already, like Ernest & Celestine , Song of the Sea , and The Rabbi’s Cat . That is why I’m going to cover GKIDS’ first official animated film release. Azur and Asmar: The Prince’s Quest was originally released back in